A useful 10 minutes
A useful 10 minutes is how we can manage time when we don't feel we have enough or struggle to make time.
Some of the reasons, or excuses if we're honest about not getting things done, simply boil down to them not being interesting enough to you.
haven't time
I got side tracked
I'll do it later
However, there are things which I'm sure you would like to commit to or start but the habit of putting off has become somewhat ingrained. Perhaps we've mixed up not being interesting enough with, I would like to start but have always talked myself out of it.
Start small! Create a useful 10 minutes a day which is dedicated to something that you would like to start or even finish.
The 10 minutes could be to plan or formulate ideas. Knowing you have an allotted time to developing something for yourself within such a short window develops focus and the habit of setting time aside.
Here are examples of what a useful 10 minutes look like and how impactful that time can be.